My Marketing

Intro to my Marketing Plan

Even in today’s Seller’s market, professional magazine-quality photos and a great marketing plan can really make a difference in getting you the best price for your home! I am proud to deliver exceptional marketing programs that produce results.

  • Professional magazine-quality photography –> This is the foundation of my great marketing campaign for your home!
  • Professionally printed, glossy property brochures
  • Stunning property announcement brochures direct mailed
  • Professionally designed property website that is viewable on all devices and easily shared via social media
  • 3-D and Virtual Tours pique the interest of potential Buyers
  • Your home advertised on 1000s of websites!
  • CB Mobile Brochure Technology
  • Professionally produced video spot aired on local TV, and available for social media posting
  • Exclusively advertised in Colorado’s premier lifestyle publications (based on scheduling and availability)
  • Coldwell Banker’s exclusive RealSure and RealVitalize programs help ensure that your home sells fast and for top dollar

Ask me how I can put together a tailored assortment of my available marketing offerings for your property!